Cocaine found in shampoo bottles at Faro airport - two Britons arrested

cocaineA couple who arrived at Faro airport from East Midland airport in the United Kingdom were promptly arrested after a tip-off from UK police proved accurate.

The couple, a 32-year old man and 29-year-old woman were travelling in a family group which included a pensioner and an infant, to avert suspicion but Portuguese SEF officers found the Brits were transporting cocaine in ten adapted shampoo bottles.

The drug smugglers were arrested on Sunday and allowed to stay at their holiday destination of Quarteira until a Faro court date is set.

British police at East Midlands airport allowed the couple to board the flight, either to allow Portuguese officers to follow the couple to determine if they were acting in concert, or in the knowledge that Britan's prisons are over-crowded. 

The idiocy of packing ten bottles of shampoo with drugs and expecting to remain above suspicion can only be wondered at.