Portuguese government waives rights to USD13 million shipwreck treasure

galleonDiamond-miners recently discovered a ship after draining a man-made lagoon on Namibia’s coast. While ship-wrecks are often found along the 'Skeleton Coast', this one just so happened to be loaded with $13,000,000 worth of gold coins. 

It also answers a centuries–old mystery and is what some archaeologists are calling 'one of' the most significant ship-wrecks ever found. 

The wreck was first discovered near Oranjemund by geologists from the mining company De Beers in April 2008. One reason it took centuries to find is because it was underneath the ocean floor.

“The diamond-mining site concerned was actually located in the surf zone, where the violent action of the waves theoretically made mining impossible,” archaeologist Dr. Dieter Noli said. “So what the chaps do is push up a huge sea-wall with bulldozers parallel to the beach, with the ends running back to the beach.  The result is a large man-made lagoon, with the surf pounding on the outside.  Then they pump the sea-water out of the lagoon.”

It was in this drained lagoon that the wreck was discovered.  Noli, who is chief archaeologist of the Southern Africa Institute of Maritime Archaeological Research, wasn’t too surprised – with the abundance of shipwrecks on the coast (Portuguese sailors once called it “The Gates of Hell”) - he knew the geologists would turn up something sooner or later.  “Having first started doing archaeological work…for the mine in 1996, I had at that point been preaching to them for a dozen years that ‘one day’ they would find a ship-wreck and to let me know when they do,” he told Foxnews.com. “When asked what exactly I was really expecting to find, I said ‘a Spanish sword and a bag of gold.’”

A day after the discovery, the geologists notified Noli that they’d found some ‘strange stuff’ on the beach: bits of metal, wood, copper half-spheres and what looked like copper, or bronze, pipes. They e-mailed him an image of one of the “pipes,” which Noli immediately recognized to be a piece of 16th century artillery. 

“I phoned chief geologist, Juergen Jacob, and told him that said pipes were in fact rather old breech-loading cannon.  ‘How old?’ he wanted to know. ‘1535, give or take 2 months,’ I suggested. Since the ship wound up being from 1533, that was a pretty close guess!”

While there are plenty of ship-wrecks in the area, almost all of them are “recent”– as in having sunk only in the last 120 years or so. The oldest ship-wreck found in the area at that point was the "Vlissingen", which went ashore in Meob Bay in 1747.  Upon his arrival at the site, Noli realized this would be the oldest one yet. 

“The copper half-spheres had me flummoxed, but then I saw the wooden stock of a match-lock musket.  The style of the stock – made to fit against the cheek, rather than against the shoulder – indicated that it was from the early 16th-C, matching the age of the cannon and knew that we had a ship from then and that there would be a lot to find in very good nick, because, if the stock of a musket survived, a LOT of other stuff would have done so as well.”

Once they realized what they had on their hands, Noli went about trying to convince the Namdeb Corp. to let them work more on the site – no easy task, considering the huge cost of keeping the site dry for 2 weeks beyond the mining period and maintaining the sea-wall, which is a 24/7 job for 2 D-9 'dozers, a fleet of trucks and some really huge pumps.  In the end, he simply let the pictures of spoils from the dig do the talking.

According to Noli, “As luck would have it, we found the treasure chest on day 6.  Academic arguments are all very well, but once you have literally filled your hat with an 25.5 lb mixture of Spanish and Portuguese gold coins (there were indeed swords as well), the value of the site is no longer in doubt.”

The ship was identified as the “O Bom Jesus”, a Portuguese ship that went missing while en route to India. The ship was carry gold,ing tin, ivory tusks, and 44,000lbs of copper ingots when it, apparently, went to its watery grave.  In fact, it was the copper ingots that ended up playing a key role in the wreck’s preservation. 

“Marine organisms may like wood, leather book-covers, peach pips, jute-sacking and leather shoes, but copper really puts them off their food – so a lot of stuff survived the 500 years, which should really not have done so,” Noli said. “All this adds up to an extremely unusual situation, which led to truly excellent preservation of an, in  any event, unique site.”

How the ship went down and what it was doing off a notorious stretch of coast famous for its storms and fog remains unknown, though Noli believes that a combination of too much heavy cargo and poor weather made the captain decide to run the vessel ashore by putting out his bow anchors and slowly beaching her. The ship then hit a blinder in the surf zone, where she heeled over in the pounding waves. All attempts to free her failed and she broke up, starting with the superstructure. 

“The treasure chest fell free from the captain’s cabin, sinking intact to the sea-bed, where it was subsequently crushed, pinned down and protected by a massive piece of the side of the ship which broke free from the disintegrating hull,” he theorised.  As for what it was doing off the coast, he’s hoping Portuguese records may shine some light on the matter.

So who gets the gold?

“The Namibian government – every single coin,” Noli said. “That is the normal procedure when a ship is found on a beach.  The only exception is when it is a ship of state – then the country under whose flag the ship was sailing gets it and all its contents.  In this case, the ship belonged to the King of Portugal, making it a ship of state – with the ship and its entire contents belonging to Portugal.  The Portuguese government, however, very generously waived that right, allowing Namibia to keep the lot.”


See also: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3OBljwbB6hM