Motorcyclist dies at Autodrome during advanced driving course

autodromeA collision between two motorcyclists at the Algarve’s International Autodrome on Satuday has left one dead and the other seriously injured.

The survivor of the crash, 43, remains under observation in Portimão hospital.

The 57-year-old motorcyclist died shortly after being admitted to the same hospital. The GNR will prepare a report for the Public Ministry on the circumstances that led to the crash whcih happened during an advanced driving course organised by the Action Team from Motociclismo magazine.

"The course aims to train and prepare people to drive their bikes in a safer way," said the organisation in a statement that stressed that "in the dozens of courses that have been given, there has never been an accident of this kind."

The company regretted the incident, stressing that its driving courses "are developed under stringent security conditions to eliminate risks to the maximum, but personal actions can not be controlled and the participants know the risks they run."

The director of the Autodrome, Paulo Pinheiro, said to news service Lusa that "we were assured of all security and emergency assistance requirements for this type of event" by the company, in this case the Motociclismo magazine.

The company’s website explains that the day is a free-form track event without constant monitoring.