Dutch public want a referendum on EU membership

hollandA survey by a Dutch news programme indicates that 54% of the public in the Netherlands want referendum on remaining in the EU and that 48% would vote to leave.

Anti-immigration hard-liner MP Geert Wilders considers the UK’s Brexit a victory and a 'patriotic revolt in pursuit of freedom," a view that is gaining ground amongst the Dutch electorate.

The survey by ‘EenVandaag,’ throws up the question as to which country will be next in offering its voters the chance to ditch membership of the European Union and join the UK in self-determination, with all the risks involved.

Wilders has proposed in the Dutch Congress that a referendum should be held but this was voted down all those MPs that are not in Wilder's Party fo Freedom.

With his party gaining popularity, Wilders is calling on the Dutch electorate to take advantage of the general election in March 15, 2017 to show the European Union that change is needed.