Official figures have reconfirmed that that Extremadura is the poorest area of Spain, followed closely by Andalusia and the north-west tip of the country, Galicia.
The average income in Extremadura is €19,034.
The poorest town is Zafarraya, in Granada province. The figures from tax returns for 2015, released by the tax office, revealed the average income to be €10,293.
Madrid and Barcelona and their environs head the list for wealth, with averages of €32,000 and €27,500 respectively.
Spain’s best heeled town per square metre is Pozuelo de Alarcon, a wealthy Madrid suburb. Average income there stands just shy of €60,000.
The richest 25 towns in Spain are all within the reach of Madrid or Barcelona with but two exceptions: Rocafort in the province of Valencia and Simancas near Valladolid.