Infralobo water wars - gas tank safety sprinkler system inoperable as water supply is disconnnected

water2A concerning posting on Facebook about the situation at Vale do Garrão, Vale do Lobo has raised serious safety issues as a gas tank water sprinkler system now has been cut off, putting the whole area at an increased fire risk.

Infralobo, with the collusion of its majority owner Loule council, continues to persecute its customers in a dispute over an arbitary 'bedroom tax' that is waiting for a court decision yet the company continues to treat its customers in a cursory, arrogant and now dangerous manner.

A large stone block was placed across a side access of one property to stop water supplies being delivered to the customer's pool, his normal domestic supply having been cut off during the 'per bed' tax disptue.

This block prevents the Bombeiros and other emergency services from gaining access to a forest area and represents an unwarranted danger should there be a fire.

The sprinkler safety system next to the property's above ground gas tank also is inoperable, creating an elevated risk should the worst happen and a fire break out in the adjacent scrub land which has not been cleared fo years. 

Infralobo's management is clearly out of control and its president, the mayor's brother-in-law, should do the right thing and resign, allowing someone with a grasp of running a consumer-facing business to take over to the benefit of all concerned. 

The consumer action group's leader writes:

"I find it of utmost interest to bring to your knowledge the contents of the letter below, written by one of Infralobo's clients to his supplier of gas (big tank installed above ground in his garden), having in mind that the biggest tragedy with the fire hazard it represents can be witnessed in one of the well known coastal developments in Centre Algarve, Vale do Garrão.

We are still waiting for the Arbitration Court to issue a verdict on the court hearing of June 29th. We were all told that the verdict should take 2 weeks, but almost one month later, a complete silence seems to have fallen over the issue, where, despite several requests and the fact that the courts are just about to close for holidays, we have not heard a word back from them.

Below are the contents of the letter and because a big stone slab has not been removed. Infralobo denies responsability for it while the a representative of the owner of the plot where the stone slab has been deposited blocking the entrance for any rescue team to intervene in case of fire, affirms categorically that it was Infralobo that has had it 'delivered and put in place.'

The idea being to stop this home owner having water delivered to top up his pool from evaporation while his garden plot, now completely ruined, but with all monies paid up, also had its independent meter removed just to 'punish' this home owner for insisting on waiting to hear what the law has to say on the absurd, ilegal and exorbitant bedroom taxes that are 'in arrears' whcih Infralobo have made everyone in the coastal areas (of Loule camara) pay.

"Dear Sirs,

Firstly I apologise for writing in English as my Portuguese is insufficient.

I feel it only correct to report our concerns about the great possibility of fire risk to our property which in turn could have a disastrous outcome should it cause our gas tank to explode. Our villa is surrounded by pine trees and thick undergrowth on two sides neither of which have been cleaned or thinned in accordance with Portuguese regulations for a number of years.

What makes the risk even greater is the fact that in January this year Infralobo with the full blessing and support of Loule Camara cut off our water supply over a dispute totally unrelated to the supply of water and which is presently in court awaiting a decision.

As previously stated we feel sure you would want to be aware of the situation as any possible explosion of a gas tank in a rural area could be disastrous and create major problems for you as a supplier of our gas.

The fact that Infralobo have stopped the supply of water obviously means that the safety sprinkler system to the gas tank will not work.

A copy of this email is being sent to Infralobo/Loule Camara and I hold them jointly responsible if the worst should happen. We will also be advising the Almancil GNR and the insurance company for our property.

We would value any support you can give in this matter.

Kind regards