Juncker uses black book to dissuade foes

junkersThe president of the European Commission has revealed that he keeps “a little black book” to list the people who have crossed him.

Jean-Claude Juncker told the Belgian newspaper Le Soir: “I have a little black book called Le Petit Maurice where, for the last 30 years, I have noted when someone has betrayed me”.

“I am not vengeful, but I have a good memory,” he said.

No names in his book were disclosed, but he clarified that the book was not particularly full because “people rarely betray me”.

The news should not surprise people in his native Luxembourg. Le Petit Maurice was with him during his years (1995 to 2013) as prime minister of the Grand Duchy and he warned challengers of its presence.

“Be careful. Little Maurice is waiting for you.” He added that this had had a “dissuasive effect”.

Juncker was assumed the leadership of the EU executive arm, the European Commission, in 2014, following the presidency of Portugal’s Jose Barroso.

Although brief, his tenure has become increasingly controversial, enhanced perhaps by the number of crises begging for solutions. Calls for him to stand down are also on the increase.

Juncker told Le Soir these attacks were “disgusting” and confirmed that he had no intention of resigning. His term is set to last until October 2019.

Explaining that a photograph in which he appeared to be embracing Nigel Farage after the Brexit result was, in fact, not a bear hug.

“I whispered something in his ear that was not a compliment. The photos gave the impression that I embraced him.”