Portugal is vulnerable to outbreaks of social unrest in 2014

protestAn international study has placed Portugal among 18 countries in the world with a high risk of social unrest in the coming year.

The study, devised and undertaken by a group of researchers from the influential Economist magazine, concluded that Portugal will be ‘more vulnerable’ to episodes of social unrest in 2014. In 2009 Portugal was in the group that had only a ‘moderate risk’ of political and social instability.

Of the 150 countries analysed, Portugal is among 46 in which the risk of riots and protests is high. But according to researchers any manifestations of unrest will still be within the limits of democracy.

There are 19 countries with a ‘very high risk’ of having problem street protests.

In November, the PSP and GNR logged 1,514 demonstrations, vigils or protest gatherings, since the beginning of 2013. The number includes official and unofficial protests across the country and islands and represents a decrease from 2012.