Unemployment in the Algarve is now the lowest in the country

MaidThe unemployment rate in the Algarve fell to 8.1% in the second quarter of 2016, according to data released by the National Statistics Institute.

The Algarve currently has the lowest unemployment rate in the country having seen a 24.6% decrease from the same point last year.

The region has provided 7,800 new jobs showing a net increase in employment of around 4%.

Despite this increased in the number of people employed, the Algarve is the region where jobs are the most precarious due to its reliance on tourism.

Nationally, the unemployment rate is 10.8%, down 10% on last year’s figure.

Tohelp boost hotel occupancy rates and thus the need for staff all year long, a programme of events has been launched for the off season (October to May) as part of a €1.5 million entertainment and cultural package.

A series of concerts, plays, food festivals, wine tastings and exhibitions will attract the interest of tour operators to offer out of season deals to their customers.

Luís Araújo, the new president of Turismo de Portugal, said the Algarve should be enjoyed all year long and that events such as the International Music Festival of the Algarve (FIMA), will help liven up the region during the traditionally sleepier winter season.

This and other events are being funded by the national tourist authority in its €1.5 million spend.