Abandoned Ria Formosa catamaran to be auctioned

ria formosa2The Maritime Police in Olhão have towed away a catamaran abandoned over a year ago in the Ria Formosa.

"The vessel was towed to an anchorage on Culatra, where it will remain for the time being. Next week we will start the lost property process and possible auction the vessel for the State," read a police statement.

In a concerning announcement by the Maritime Police, the yachts and boats in the temporary moorings in the Ria Formosa opposite Olhão’s markets have been declared 'illegally anchored' and have until August 31st to move on or their owners will face a fine of 'not less than €400' plus towing away fees.

Docapesca, in a joint action with the Marine Police, are to remove any lingering craft so as to ‘clear up the area.’

This clean up will be temporary as the council’s plan is to extend the current official moorings oppostite the Real Marina hotel to cover an area that may encroach on the view from the cafes that line the iconic twin markets.

This popular ‘sundowner’ zone relies on an uninterrupted view of the Ria Formosa islands. The introduction of rows of yachts may well affect the trade of the local bars and certainly will detract from the charm of the area.

Mayor António Pina’s inability to preserve the best of the old while encouraging the new already has seen him sharply criticised by locals and resident expatriates but, unassailable in the council chamber and not averse to sleight of hand where necessary, the ‘improvements’ to Olhãa gradually are turning the city into a ‘me too’ destination.