Statue of Medusa stolen from outside EN125 art and furnishings showroom

medusaA weighty statue of the greek Gorgon 'Medusa,' created by the acclaimed Algarve sculptor Toin Adams, has been stolen from the art and furnishings shop 'Gosto' on the EN125 at Quatro Estradas.

The huge statue was lifted some time on Saturday yet nobody noticed despite the weight of the piece normally requiring a team of people to lift it.

The plaster of Paris and steel Medusa is recognisable, to say the least, and the thieves will have trouble in selling her on the open market.

There is an active gang of thieves operating in the central Algarve who have no compunction in taking anything with a scrap value, whatever the weight.

Medusa’s steel parts are worth selling and the concern is that the statue will be broken down and sold for scrap.

Any reader spotting Medusa is asked to contact Gosto on 351 289 397 714