Olhão mini crime-wave - 'round up the usual suspects'

olhaoportOlhão’s mini crime-wave continues with several incidents reported in the past two weeks.

The ferry service ticket office was broken into and €1,500 in cash, rolls of blank tickets and some personal property was stolen, a total of €8,000.

The commander of the port of Olhão, Pedro Nunes Ferreira, said that three suspects have been identified and he is awaiting fingerprint evidence to be matched.

The Maritime Police managed to get back 80% of the tickets that had been abandoned in the vicinity.

Then a popular tobacconist-newsagent in the historic centre of the city had its doors forced open in the early hours. Cigarettes, tobacco and lottery tickets were stolen.

Next, a thief pinched a €12,000 collection of valuable gold and silver coins which was returned to its owner. Also stolen were bank notes, watches and other gold items.

The suspect, a 47-year-old local man, was tracked down and surrounded by police last Friday.

The man decided to escape over Olhão’s iconic rooftops and fell from a second floor into the street, ending up in Faro hospital with fractures.   

Deciding he did not need medical care after all, the accused discharged himself after having had X-rays in a valiant effort by medical staff to to locate his brain.

Local police often know those responsible and are adept at tracking down local miscreants whose methods rely on the cover of darkness and suficient alcohol for some 'Dutch courage.'

As in many mini-crime waves, it is a known few that are responsible for a high percentage of the crimes committed.