Missing Ben Needham 'killed in digger accident 25 years ago'

kosThe mother of missing toddler Ben Needham has been told to “prepare for the worst” by detectives who suspect the toddler may have died 25 years ago in an accident with a digger and was buried by the driver.

Forensics teams are to begin excavating at two sites close to where Ben was last seen as he played near his grandparents' home on Kos in 1991.

The potential breakthrough came after a friend of digger driver Konstantinos Barkas said he believes the workman may have been responsible, according to the Daily Mirror today. The driver died of stomach cancer last year.

Ben's mother has been hoping that one day she would be reunited with her son but her worst fears appeared to be confirmed during a recent visit by British police officers.

She told the newspaper: “What they had to tell me was the last thing they would have ever wanted to. They think my Ben could be dead and buried. They are no longer looking for a missing person. How do I cope with that? My mother's instinct has always told me he was alive. What if I've been wrong all this time?”

Mr Barkas wad clearing land for a local builder near the Needham property when the accident is thought to have happened. The site was investigated in 2012 to rule out this possibility but with the new information, renewed investigation will take place.

After spending 25 years searching for her son, Ms Needham said she fears dying of “shock and heartbreak” should Ben's remains be found.

"This new witness that's come forward, it's obviously a man from Kos. He's known to our family. He's seen my family in the TV for 25 years. He knew this information 25 years ago.

"Of course I'm angry. He could have ended this 25 years ago. I could have grieved. You'll never forget your child but at least I would have known where he was and I could have done something with my life instead of having a life on hold and not being able to do anything and living this nightmare

"I could probably have forgiven that person back then. But now? No.

“I have spent all these years desperately hoping for that fairytale ending and for Ben to walk through that door. Now the horrible reality is Ben could be dead and he could have been dead all these years.”


