Ronaldo rejected by porn actresses

ronaldoporn2Competition between footballers Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi is an on-off battle on the pitch but the fight has been taken to the bedroom as the two footballer compete in a vote about sex.

The Spanish magazine Primera Línea questioned 12 porn actresses about which of the two men they most would like to 'join them' in a movie. The competition was fierce, but Messi got the better of Reinaldo.

Six of the actresses voted for Lionel Messi, with Cristiano Ronaldo attracting five of the votes, and the one with the white stick preferred Bayern Munich’s Frank Ribéry.

The athletic bodies of Ronaldo and Messi were generally praised and have earned the two footballers millions off the pitch as underwear models. A second career clearly awaits these stars when their footballing days are over.