Thousands of drunk drivers caught during 'Operation Safe Summer'

breathalizerPortugal's Public Security Police arrested more than 19,000 people between June and September in during 'Operation Safe Summer.

The two crimes most frequently detected were drunk driving and driving without a valid license.

Drunk drivers were by far the worst offenders with 11,800 drivers stopped and charged, compared to 1,500 charged for driving without a valid license.

A further 1,300 were carrying sufficient drugs to be classified as dealers. The police seized more than 1.1 million drug units, 380 illegal knives, 306 firearms and, astoundingly, nearly 160,000 kg of explosives.

The police did nto sopent the entire summer stopping motorists to detect driving offences as they also checked up on 12,700 properties when the owners were on holiday and delivered around 126,000 wrist-bands to children under the ‘Here I am!’ child safety programme.