PT sale - confused? You soon will be

ptIsabel dos Santos, multi-millionaire daughter of Angola's tyrannical president, enters the fray to control Portugal Telecom.

After the firm offer from French telecoms group Altice and that of several international funds, Isabel Dos Santos has said she is interested in a solution that defends the "national interests" of Portugal Telecom. For ‘national’ read ‘self.’

Secret Luxemburg deals have deprived Portugal of tax revenue

bessalgadoarrestIt should be no great surprise to realise the reason many of the Espírito Santo companies were based in Luxemburg; tax.

The disgraced Espírito Santo empire, now in its final stages of decomposition, joined companies from around the world in making secret deals in Luxemburg which has saved them millions in tax.

Shockingly poverty levels in EU

beggarIn 2013, more than 122 million people (nearly 25%) in the European Union were at risk of poverty or social exclusion.

They were hit by poverty resulting from insufficient income, or without adequate resources to meet basic household costs, or living in a household with insufficient work. Some people fell into more than one category.

New route to Barcelona actually lands near Barcelona

barcelonaeasyJet has launched a promotional campaign to shift 28,000 seats at between €20 and €40.

The British airline said today the promotion will run for seven days and the flights booked must be taken by September 2015.

Silves fails to set a budget for 2015

silveschurchThe Mayor of Silves, Rosa Palma, said that she does not understand the reasons for the opposition voting against the council’s proposed budget for 2015.

The draft budget of €32.6 million was rejected by PS and PSD councillors in a council meeting on Wednesday despite this being the lowest budget ever proposed for the Silves municipal area, some €3.3 million lower than last year’s and way below the heady days of council spending under Isabel Soares' regime.

UK interest rates held at record low

bankofenglandThe Bank of England has decided to retain the 0.5% interest rate.

The record low has been in effect since March 2009.

Reminder issued to investors in EEA Life Settlements Fund

londonThe unregulated collective investment scheme was marketed as being “low risk” by EEA Fund Management (Guernsey) Ltd, "designed to achieve a benchmark net return of 8% per annum".

But the UK Financial Conduct Authority considered it a high-risk investment that should not have been sold to ordinary investors.

Portugal's 2015 State Budget is over optimistic

portuguese euroThe International Monetary Fund predicts an even more gloomy deficit figure for Portugal than Brussels, a painfully high 3.4% of GDP by the end of 2015.

Brussels is going for a 3% deficit for Portugal next year and rejects the government's prediction of an over-optimistic 2.7%.