Health cards set to expire this year

stethascopeAlmost 4.5 million European Health Insurance Cards (EHIC) are due to expire this year.

The card helps the bearer obtain free or cheaper health care within the European Economic Area, which is all the nations of the EU as well as Switzerland, Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein.

Expats in eurozone see pension values rise

expatThe 445,000 retired British expats living in eurozone have been given a 10% boost in their incomes over the last year.

The windfall results from a strong pound as well as the annual increase in payments.

Tax inspectors pledge to visit every shop in Portugal

shoppingcentreThe plan for monitoring and combating the shadow economy, that already has been field tested in the Lisbon area by the Tax and Customs Authority, now will be rolled out across the nation.

After several months of welcome delay, the authority is now at the final stage of recruitment and by the end of the September thousands of bright new tax inspectors will have completed their training and will be sent out into the world to check up on Portugal’s business community.

Portugal’s airports - 50 years of higher charges due to privatisation

anaAntónio de Sousa, chairman of the monitoring committee for the ANA sell off, said yesterday that taxpayers benefitted in the short term, but in the longer term, users of Portugal's airports will be paying increased prices as a result of the sale.

ANA-Airports was sold to the French Vinci Group in 2012 with the infrastructure specialist paying a full price in the knowledge that it easily can recoup this from higher charges to businesses using the airport to trade, and from increased landing fees paid for by travellers as part of their ticket price.

EN125 repairs this summer, maybe...

roadworksThe Secretary of State for Transport on a visit to the Algarve to discuss, among other things, the renovations promised for the region's crumbling EN125 ‘alternative to the motorway’ road, said yesterday that Estradas de Portugal is to "submit a plan by the end of the month."

Sérgio Monteiro has never wanted to spend any money at all on the EN 125 and his previous attempt at blackmail, offering a stark choice between rail or road upgrades for the Algarve, endeared him not a bit to the Algarve’s business and resident community.

Property rates ‘ready reckoner’ released by DECO

decoHouse owners now can enter details on a DECO website and discover how much they should be paying in property rates each year.

According to consumer champion DECO, householders recently have shelled out an extra €8 million due to the Treasury’s flawed method of calculating the valor patrimonial of properties.


Repsol to drill for Algarve gas

oilrigRepsol will start drilling for gas in the Algarve next year according to the company's chariman who announced the news after a meeting with President Cavaco Silva in Lisbon today.

Antonio Brufau, the president of the Spanish multinational oil and gas company said today that the company will begin drilling for natural gas in the Algarve next year as “it would almost be irresponsible not to.”

Algarve loses the Portugal Rally, tourist chief gets the blame

rally2The president of the Algarve's main hotel association said today that losing the Portugal Rally to the north of the country is due to the "failure in negotiations" led by the Algarve region’s tourism body and represents "a loss of €100 million" to the Algarve.

The president of the Algarve mayor’s group, AMAL, commented also that the loss of the rally would be a "major setback for the region," which had played an important part in keeping the event going after security problems up north in recent years.