TAP Airbus seized in Brazil

tap2TAP says there is no risk that its Airbus A330 will be seized, but the Brazilian court’s decision stands – pay up or lose the aircraft

The dispute centres around two employees at the Portuguese Embassy in Brazilia who claimed in court that they had not been paid money owed to them, and the court agreed.

Cornish folk enjoy special status

cornwallThe Cornish people have been given minority status, affording them the same protections as other Celtic communities of Scots, Welsh and Irish.

European rules for the protection of national minorities encourage governments to take “appropriate measures” to protect minority groups from discrimination.

Forestry tax breaks instead of fines

monchiqueWelcome news was released today indicating that the Government is preparing amendments to allow all investment in forestry to be tax deductible.

This guarantee of positive and helpful legislation was announced by the Minister of Agriculture, Assunçao Cristas at 'The Forest in Portugal' conference.

VRSA borrows another €25 million

vrsaIf borrowing your way out of trouble is the objective, then the Municipality of Vila Real de Santo António should be celebrating as news of the approval for funds under the Programme to Support the Local Economy in the amount of €25.6 million was released today.

Alongside this measure is a formalised loan agreements with a syndicate of seven banks for another €33.3 million. The two loans are part of a ‘financial adjustment plan’ for the indebted municipality based on the formula ‘borrow more: pay less - for now at least.’

Barclaycard use ends for expats

4775Britain’s largest credit card company, Barclaycard, has written to some 39,000 expats who have not used their card in at least six months to say that they must now provide a UK address or face losing their card.

Manoj Piplani, managing director of Barclaycard UK said: "We periodically review accounts, both in the UK and internationally, and if we become aware that a customer hasn’t used their account for more than six months, we'll close their UK Barclaycard account, after giving them time to make alternative arrangements.

Expat exodus from Spain

4698Almost 88,000 British expats left Spain last year, according to figures released by Spain’s national statistics institute.

Town halls in Spain maintain registers of residents and these showed a drop of 23% during the course of 2013. At the beginning of January 385,179 were registered but that fell to 297,229 by the close of the year.

Primark braves America

primarkIrish clothing manufacturer Primark is planning to launch in the US.

The discount clothing retailer plans to open first in Boston and to branch out in the American north east in 2016.

Loulé ratepayers fund council folly

cafelouleThe proposal by a heavily indebted Loulé council to acquire an art deco café next to its offices was approved at the last meeting of the chamber.

Loulé Municipal Council is now to spend €182,000 of ratepayers' money on the building, the approved proposal will be signed off in a meeting on 30th April.