Algarve's Odelouca river restocked with two species of endangered fish

FishOdeloucaRiverTwo threatened species of fish that inhabit the Odelouca river in Silves have received a welcome boost to their numbers, courtesy of environmental organisation Quercus as part of the ‘in situ’ project.

About 600 young fish have been set free after being reared in captivity and now are swimming freely along the Odelouca river in the Alferce area of Monchique.

Dangerous dog training courses required by 2013 law to start 'by the end of June 2017'

dogTrainingThe Public Security Police and the GNR are expected to start certifying trainers to train owners of dangerous dog by the end of the second quarter of this year, the Ministry of Internal Affairs announced today, which offered no apology for the four year delay.

The Public Security Police and the GNR are responsible for the certification and training of these potentially dangerous animals but neither entity has been able to run a course since the new laws came into play in 2013.

Brazilian market regulator fines ex-PT boss, Zeinal Bava, for 'loose talk'

zeinalbavaThe Securities Commission of Brazil has fined the former president of Oi over statements he made to the media in Brazil in March 2014.

The regulator fined Zeinal Bava 200,000 reais (about €58,000) for statements made while a public offering of the telecoms operator was in progress.

Almaraz nuclear report whitewash will keep EU happy

nuclearPortugal’s Environment Agency considers it "appropriate and safe" to build a nuclear fuel dump at the creaking Almaraz nuclear power plant in Spain.

The president of the Portuguese Environment Agency admitted that trans-boundary impacts were not even considered when looking at the planned fuel dump, nor did the agency consider the effects on Portugal should there be a severe accident at the Almaraz power station which stands just 100 kilometres from the Portuguese border.

Petition to save life of Rottweiler in Matosinhos attack

RottweilerAn online petition to save the life of a Rottweiler which attacked and badly injured a four-year-old girl in Matosinhos on Tuesday, already has over 8,000 signatures.

The petitioners want the dog to live and state that it the owners of dogs that should be punished, not the animal.

Public sector employees get extra day off for Pope's visit in May

popefrancisPortugal's government has decided to give public sector employees the day off on May 12th to mark the Pope’s arrival in the country in preparation for Saturday and Sunday’s celebrations in Fátima to mark the 100th anniversary of the apparitions.

The extra day’s holiday has not gone down well with some Socialist Party MPs who rightly point out that the celebrations are not until the Saturday and question why there should be a day off on the preceding Friday.

José Sócrates - Operation Marquês - formal charges won't be long now

socratesfreedThe Attorney General's Office has extended the deadline for the conclusion of Operation Marquês by which charges need to formally to be made against an ever-increasing list of official suspects, including the former Prime Minister, José Sócrates.

In a statement released today, the Attorney General's Office announced that "it is decided to extend the deadline for three months from the date of the receipt of the last letters rogatory."

Peniche fort to become a 'national museum of resistance' to the Salazar dictatorship

salazarportraitThe fortress of Peniche is to be transformed from a municipal museum into a national museum of resistance against Salazar's dictatorship and the 'Estado Novo' regime.

After a Council of Ministers meeting in Peniche today, the Minister of Culture, Luís Filipe Castro Mendes announced that the project is part of a restoration of Portugal’s heritage and demonstrates the political will to create a national museum of resistance against the dictatorship."