Another part of Olhão's historic past collapses into the street

olhaoCollapseSMALLThe side of an historic building on Rua 18 de Junho, off the Avenida da República, in Olhão, collapsed into the street early on Thursday morning due to heavy rainfall further destabilising an already weak structure.

The collapse at around 01:00 on Thursday December 1st, caused no casualties but the resulting rubble blocked a side road and badly damaged a neighbouring Art Deco building.

Albufeira council enters the risky world of property development using taxpayers' money

buildingsiteAlbufeira councillors unanimously decided on November 28th, to approve a proposal to purchase the bankrupt estate of Faceal - Fábrica de Cerâmica do Algarve and turn the old building into a school.

This purchase will cost local taxpayers around €2 million but that’s OK, the council says that the building has come down in price by €1.5 million so ratepayers are getting a bargain. This sum is only for the site, not to build a school whcih will cost millions more.

Portugal, Europe's next cycling nation?

cyclingBernardo Campos Pereira - a Portuguese architect and bicycle mobility planning and policy expert - in this article shares the best practice examples from Portugal, demonstrating the increasing popularity of cycling in this country. 

"At a first glance Portugal is not an obvious choice for a bicycle nation. But that's only at a first, very superficial glance. Look at what's going on right now, and decide for yourself...

Portugal's Food Banks provide essential help despite zero EU aid this year

fome5The president of Portugal’s Food Bank system has called on the Portuguese to be "even more generous" in the next food-collection campaign because Community aid has been suspended.

Last year, social welfare institutions benefited from food aid from the Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived, which supported more than 400,000 Portuguese, but which was not distributed this year.

Eastern European gang of professional housebreakers arrested in Portugal

burglaryTen of 17 Eastern Europeans arrested in a major investigation into burglaries across Portugal have been remanded in custody.

The group was part of a network that operates throughout Europe and specialised in opening locks of properties from which they stole valuables.

Barroso loses contract as 'visiting professor' in Geneva

barrosoThe University of Geneva’s and the allied Institute of International Studies have decided not to renew the contract with the former President of the European Commission, José Manuel Durão Barroso, which anyway expires at the end of 2016.

The reason is Barroso's new job at Goldman Sachs. The former Portuguese prime minister was a visiting professor at the prestigious higher education institute, where he had studied and worked in the 1980s.

Adulterated oilve oil blights growing market

olivesPortuguese food standards agency ASAE seized 6,000 litres of fake olive oil from a packaging and distribution company in Penamacor, Castelo Branco, according to an agency statement.

The fake olive oil was seized as part of operation “Golden Oil III” in October when officers found 3,400 litres of blended false oil decanted into bottles marked olive oil. The seized products had a market value of around €30,000.

Tourist Tax - what you will pay in tourist destinations around Europe

lisbon2Since January 2016, visitors to the Portuguese capital have to pay a Municipal Tourist Tax of €1 per person per night.* Children under 13 and those seeking medical treatment are exempt. The levy only applies to the first seven nights. Scattered municipalities, such as Oporto and Cascais, are also considering a Tourist Tax on a similar basis to Lisbon.

Based on information from the European Tour Operators Association (ETOA), we will look at what tourist taxes are charged at popular holiday destinations around Europe beyond Portugal.