Monchique fire nears the Arade river

fireforestA fire re-ignited on Wednesday evening, September 7th, sweeping across the hills of Monchique in the Nave/Casais area, fanned by a brisk and unwelcome wind.

The blaze was being dealt with by firefighters but this seriously large and worrying development got out of control overnight with flames reaching the Arade river. Many firefighters had remained on fire watch for just this eventuality and 350 bombeiros and 116 vehicles have been involved in what seems like a losing battle.

Iraqis take their time over request to lift diplomatic immunity

iraqiBoysThe definition of ‘timely’ adopted by the Iraqi Embassy in Lisbon is trying the patience of the Portuguese authorities which are waiting for a decision on a request to lift the diplomatic immunity covering the twin sons of the Iraqi Ambassor.

The request was made by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at the request of the Attorney General's Office.

e-cigarettes to be included in restrictive tobacco legislation

eCigaretteAs from January 1st, 2017, the use of electronic cigarettes will be subject to the pretty much same restrictions in Portugal as those that cover traditional tobacco products, if the government gets its way.

The State wants to keep e-cigarettes away from schools and other places where children and youths congregate but also wants to add health warnings and restrict advertising for the safer e-alternative.

Journalists prosecuted for publishing Golden Visa case details

GoldenVisaPortugal's State prosecutor has charged 11 journalists for ‘violation of judicial secrecy’ in the Golden Visa corruption case.

According to the District Attorney General in Lisbon the defendants had access to privileged information and despite knowing that that inquiry was covered by the rules of judicial secrecy, the defendants went ahead and published details in the press in April and June 2014.

AliSuper staff face €1 million loan repayment

alisuperThe troubled AliSuper business which now has sold its stores to a variety of competitors, including Spar, has come under government attack in a State-led assurance that workers’ rights will be protected.

The chain was purchased in March 2012 for €26 million by the Nogueira Group, after Alisuper had run into deep financial trouble.

Brits plan their own wall to keep migrants out

wallBrickA wall is to be built in Calais to deter refugees and migrants from attempting to board lorries destined for the UK, said the UK’s new immigration minister on Tuesday.

“People are still getting through,” Robert Goodwill said “We have done the fences. Now we are doing the wall,” the new immigration minister told the Commons home affairs committee.

Algarve fruit theft is big business

oranges2The theft of citrus fruit across the Algarve has grown beyond the occasional and now is big business with oranges entering the legitimate wholesale network.

“The networks need to be dismantled and the ringleaders arrested,” says Algfuturo which reckons around €3 million worth of citrus fruit has been pinched this year alone.

Shoppers in Portugal finally start spending

4765Retail sales in the eurozone were up by 1.1% in July this year, while those in Portugal rose by 1.8% when compared with the previous month.

The greater tally of sales in Portugal was the second highest in the single bloc coming after only Luxembourg where sales increased by 2.3% more than the month before.