Loulé Health Centre expansion officially begins tomorrow

LOULÉ HEALTH CENTRE EXPANSION OFFICIALLY BEGINS TOMORROWTomorrow, the 8th of September, at 10:00 am, a public ceremony will mark the start of 5 million euros worth of expansion work on the Loulé Health Unit, with the laying of the first foundation stone.

2 acre expansion for the Fair and Exhibition Park, Lagoa

2 ACRE EXPANSION FOR THE FAIR AND EXHIBITION PARK, LAGOALagoa council have purchased the land beside the Fatacil area, formerly owned by Mitsubishi, guaranteeing the expansion of the Fair and Exhibition Park of Lagoa.

Researchers from the University of Coimbra introduce new techniques to reduce e-waste

RESEARCHERS FROM THE UNIVERSITY OF COIMBRA INTRODUCE NEW TECHNIQUES TO REDUCE E-WASTEE-waste is one of the fastest growing toxic waste in recent years. Rapid increase in the production of electronics and batteries is draining scarce metals and other mineral resources.

COVID 19: Portuguese residents could be 80% naturally immune to the latest variant

COVID 19: PORTUGUESE RESIDENTS COULD BE 80% NATURALLY IMMUNE TO THE LATEST VARIANTRecent, official Portuguese medical data analysis of Portuguese residents aged 12 and over shows that in Portugal, if you have had the various strains of Covid infection you are up to 80% naturally immune to the latest variant.

As Summer ends, requests for food support in the Algarve are increasing

AS SUMMER ENDS, REQUESTS FOR FOOD SUPPORT IN THE ALGARVE ARE INCREASINGRequests for food support in the Algarve are increasing as the end of summer approaches, but officials of solidarity institutions in the region believe the height of the crisis will be felt in the coming months.

Algarve remains the lowest tourist accommodation sector in Portugal

ALGARVE REMAINS THE LOWEST TOURIST ACCOMMODATION SECTOR IN PORTUGALIn July, the tourist accommodation sector in Portugal surpassed pre-pandemic levels, however only the Algarve region of Portugal remains below 2019 levels in terms of overnight stays.

Sidney Martins, half of the Portuguese 'Bonnie & Clyde' is extradited home

SIDNEY MARTINS, HALF OF THE PORTUGUESE 'BONNIE & CLYDE' IS EXTRADITED HOMESidney Martins, subject of a European arrest warrant on which there are suspicions of several homicides and armed robberies, from the pair of robbers detained in Spain, was extradited to Portugal yesterday. The Spanish authorities handed over the Portuguese citizen to the Judiciary Police.

Megalithic site discovered on the banks of the Guadiana river

Megalithic site discovered on the banks of the Guadiana river.More than 500 menhirs, some organized in tombs and cromlechs (stone circles such as the famous Stonehenge) have been discovered on the banks of the Guadiana, a few metres from the border with Portugal, and constitute a “unique” site in the Iberian Peninsula.