The cabin crew of Lufthansa have vowed to start a seven-day strike beginning on Friday.
The announcement was made by the cabin crew union Ufo.
The cabin crew of Lufthansa have vowed to start a seven-day strike beginning on Friday.
The announcement was made by the cabin crew union Ufo.
The Portuguese weather service was right to put the Algarve on red alert as storms and rain lashed the region on Sunday.
The uncannily accurate prediction that all would be over by 3pm none-the-less left high seas raging along the west coast and a mop-up operation in many villages, towns and cities.
Greece’s third bailout from Europe thankfully will be smaller than the €86 billion that was earmarked.
The European Central Bank's 'stress test' of the shattered Greek banking sector showed that the country's banks needed less recapitalisation than at first thought.
The founder of Ikea is reported to have paid Swedish income tax for the first time since he left the country in 1973.
Ingvar Kamprad, 89, was made a billionaire by the flatpack furniture business.
A new requirement from the taxman already has seen 165,000 landlords sign up for an online system which enables the State to track who is renting what to whom – and also check that the correct income is entered in the landlords' tax returns.
On the other side of the coin, long-term renters can be assured that they are properly registered with their rental contract available for inspection on the Finanças web portal as well receiving official receipt confirmation issued by email whenever a rental payment is registered by the landlord.
Catarina Martins, the feisty and recently empowered leader of the Left Bloc, said today that all state pensions will be unfrozen and that those who are receiving low pensions will see an increase.
The Socialist Party, the Communists and the Left Bloc are deep in negotiation with the aim of presenting a left wing solution that can be accepted as an alternative to the minority coalition that currently leads the country.
The Guadiana will be navigable upstream as far as Alcoutim from next Tuesday, November 3rd, according to General Directorate of Marine Resources.
The announcement was made during the seminar 'Opportunities and Structuring Projects in Cross-Border Cooperation' organized by the Odiana Association and held in Castro Marim.
The trial of Filipe Silva started today. Silva is the Vilamoura based businessman who abducted his daughter Ellie (pictured) in 2012, sparking a nationwide search which tracked the girl down to an apartment in Oporto.
Witness claimed in court today that Filipe Silva did not plan the kidnapping of his daughter, stating that the girl told her father that she did not want to return to Ireland where she lived with her mother Candice.