TAP sale - "mission accomplished" - Neeleman beats Efromovich

neelemanPortugal’s Council of Ministers today decided that the bid from David Neeleman to buy 61% of TAP has more merit than the one from Germán Efromovich.

Hence, the government will sell the taxpayers’ 61% in TAP SGPS SA to David Neeleman’s group – Gateway rather than to Efromovich's Avianca Holdings.

Querença 'scientific research centre' does not fool environmentalists

olivesEco-organisation Almargem is not fooled for a minute by plans for a 'scientific research centre' near Querença, Loulé and is suspicious that this is a really just another luxury hotel project.

The direct views over the neighbouring Quinta da Ombria resort, currently under construction, are a bit of a give-away, according to the environmentalists.

British cider makers feel threatened by EU

ciderCider producers in Britain are fearful that EU bureaucracy could put many of them out of business.

The issue revolves around a tax exemption, in place since 1976, which covers cider makers producing less than 7,000 litres a year. It was introduced to help artisan production.

Rating agencies warn HSBC about changes

fitchA ratings agency has warned HSBC that it could lose its AA-rating if it goes through with its plan to boost more profit.

Fitch, one of the top three ratings agencies which judges the safety of company debt, said the plan outlined by HSBC boss could potentially bring about the reduction of the bank’s current rating.

Property values rise in some parts of the world

mansionA new global index shows that house prices in Portugal rose by 1.8% between 2014 and 2015.

But it was far outstripped by a number of other countries, leaving it in 36th position for best performance.

Amazon in e-book investigation

amazonThe European Commission today opened an investigation into Amazon’s e-book business and is examining the company’s deals with publishers that are said to limit competition and reduce consumer choice.

Under the spotlight are contracts that require publishers to tell Amazon if there are any better terms on offer which enables Amazon to offer conditions as good as or better than those offered by its competitors.

Mass resignation planned by Algarve doctors

hospitalchartA total of 17 emergency admissions doctors working in the Algarve's public hospitals are head-to-head with the regional hospital management, headed by Dr Pedro Nunes, over unilateral changes to working practices.

The tug-of-war between management and the 17 doctors in charge of emergency admissions is over a new set of regulations imposed by management which allows nursing staff the power to decide whether a patient should or should not be transferred to another unit, the authorisation to call up ambulances and other aspects of patient care usually covered by a qualified doctor.

President's Portugal Day speech - 'Reasons to be cheerful, Part 3'

cavacosilvalamegoThe President of Portugal, Cavaco Silva, gave the keynote speech in Lamego today at the Portugal Day* celebrations, saying that although the republic still has a long way to go to return to "levels that existed before the crisis, there are now reasonable grounds to face the future with more optimism and confidence."

Cavaco Silva was speaking at the formal celebrations for Dia de Portugal, and criticised the "professionals of disbelief and the prophets of excessive pessimism," as it was possible to celebrate June 10th "with confidence in the future" stressing the conutry’s "political stability and governability."