Digital revolution penetrating half the globe

fibreopticInternet use is expected to be available to half of the world’s population by the end of this year.

Some 3.2 billion people predicted to be online, out of the world population of 7.2 billion. About 2 billion of these will be in parts of the developing world.

Retail giant Amazon alters tax accounting

amazonAmazon could be changing its stripes by altering the way it records sales.

The move appears to come during the course of a formal EU investigation, opened last year, to consider the tax arrangements between Amazon and Luxembourg.

Law banning food wastage could go global

fruitFrench legislation banning the destruction of edible food could go global if the man behind the scheme has his way.

Arash Derambarsh, a local councillor in a Paris suburb, has campaigned against food waste and this led to a national law obliging French supermarkets to find outlets, such as charities, for its unsold but edible food stuffs.

Fans say Blatter should not stand for FIFA presidency

seppblatterA poll of more than 35,000 football fans in 30 countries has been taken in the run up to the election to pick the next president of FIFA, world football’s governing body.

The results showed that four out of five fans do not think Sepp Blatter should stand for the post and 69.2% said they had 'no confidence' in FIFA.


Local Lodgings legislation - more questions than answers?

rentalvillaA seminar in Albufeira, attended by 200 delegates, was devoted unravelling the new ‘local lettings’ legislation launched on April 21st, 2015 by the Secretary of State for Tourism, Adolfo Mesquita Nunes.

There are many questions but few clear answers for owners and companies involved in the buoyant lettings market and in this third such session hosted by Moneris, the attendees included property owners, business people, lawyers, solicitors and accountants.

Lagos council reduces debts by €8 million

lagos2Lagos council has managed a drop in its borrowings from €8,355,656 to €598,056, nearly €8 million according to its finance report approved on May 11th.

The council also ended the year without any payments overdue by more than 90 days, "one of the main indicators of a financial improvement and a major confidence factor that the municipality can demonstrate for its suppliers."

British take up the holiday habit again

ryanair1Britons are taking more holidays than at any time since the economy melted in 2008.

Most of the 38.5 million holidays taken last year were of Brits heading for Spain which received 12 million of those visitors, according to the Office for National Statistics.

Voters alter Spain’s political landscape

ciudadans2While the final election count in Spain has not been announced yet, the result is already known. The ruling conservative PP party has been given a bop on the nose.

At the same time, the opposition socialist PSOE has also failed to gain the number of votes to which it has been accustomed.