Harry Shindler MBE appeals to all British citizens

Harry ShindlerIt really gives me enormous pleasure in confirming that our very good friend and veteran campaigner, Harry Shindler, fully supports and endorses The Electoral Commission Campaign encouraging all British citizens now living in the other 27 EU member state countries, to register to vote in next month´s European Parliament electiions.

Harry makes the following appeal...

We British expat citizens, more than any other British citizens, must be sure to vote in the forthcoming European Parliament elections. We also, more than any other British citizens are concerned about the future of the European Union. Have you considered our situation if there is a vote to leave Europe? Let´s all vote in our thousands and remind the UK government that we exist, and and are determined to win back our right to vote in the UK.

As the man once said, "Never tire, never weary... WE SHALL WIN OUR VOTE!"
Harry Shindler MBE, Porto d´Ascoli, Italy

CLICK HERE to read a recent interview that Harry gave to The Economist;

For registration voting details please click HERE. 

W: www.votes-for-expat-brits.com |  www.votes-for-expat-brits-blog.com

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