The destruction of Loulé's 'Fonte da Pipa' - a statement from its owners

firePALACETE FONTE DA PIPA TRAGEDY - a statement from Quinta da Fonte da Pipa Urbanizações, Lda.

The fire at Palacete is a true tragedy, and the article on the event is inaccurate, as it indicates that shareholders of the owning company, Quinta da Fonte da Pipa Urbanizações, Lda., never cared for the Palacete and are to blame for this unfortunate loss of architectural patrimony.

Fonte da Pipa Shareholders bought the property back in 1982 with full permission of the Bank of Portugal and the support of the then President of the CML, who fully endorsed the investment and development of Fonte da Pipa. To date, all efforts to develop the project have been thwarted by different authorities and there has been no sign of cooperation that would have led to creation of multiple employment both in the construction and management industry.

As all local people will know, during the years of 1983 & 1985, Shareholders invested great sums in the complete restoration of the Palacete. After restoration works were completed, praise for works carried out was overwhelming based on the high standards achieved, including the exclusive collaboration of Fundação Ricardo Espírito Santo. As well as huge support from the local population, the Palacete was expensively floodlit and created a fairy-tale image becoming the talk of the Algarve. It also attracted praise from respected Portuguese and famous international celebrities, to name just one, Ronald Dahl.

During this long period awaiting permissions, Fonte da Pipa was asked to give huge considerations in exchange for the awaited planning. These considerations involved the water tanks in the Fonte da Pipa property, the creation of the Avenida das Comunidades and all its roundabouts – presently occupied on Fonte da Pipa land and which greatly benefits the town of Loulé. The Avenida itself has had a huge appreciation by the local population as it has created a safe scenic route for family experiences.

On occasion, there was complete collaboration between Fonte da Pipa and CML in celebrating three years of Algarve cultural events.

We think that after thirty-five years of waiting, with no support whatsoever, a building such as the Palacete, would need considerable finance that should have been supported by the development.

A statement by the Portuguese Director:

"Over the years we have been told by local Portuguese professionals that the reason for non-cooperation and lack of planning is purely due to the investment belonging to foreign owners. We now believe this is a true fact which we feel leaves a very sad message from Portugal with regards to foreign investment.

"Due to this, the company, will be consulting with international lawyers."



See original news report: 'C19th palace burns down in Loulé '