A disappointed management team from the Direção Geral do Território has regretfully decided in conjunction with Loulé council to extend the deadline for the submission of land registration data for properties in the municipality until November 30, 2014.
The decision comes after urgent discussions between Loulé council and the government body resulting in an emergency motion being passed in the Loulé assembly to extend the deadline for the submission of registration forms by property owners. The last deadline was 31 December, 2013 but so few had bothered to register that the data collected was un-useable.
Putting a positive spin on the failed project, council officials said this extension will be an ‘asset to the success of the Land Register in the municipality as it will allow more owners to register their properties.’
In fact the project has been derailed by an unwillingness of owners to register property boundaries, sensing there are alternative motives, or they simply resent official intrusion into their affairs and assets.
The Municipality of Loulé was selected by the government to pioneer the registration of precise boundaries in the Execução do Cadastro Predial project so as to help the Sistema Nacional de Exploração e Gestão de Informação Cadastral (SiNErGIC) project which comes under the Direção-Geral do Território.
Little wonder then why locals are suspicious as government bodies of this complexity running a project for whatever stated purpose seem always to raise the spectre of more taxes.
Considering the importance the government is attaching to this project, Loulé council is urgently to renew its appeals that everyone should register their property boundaries and fill in declarations of ownership, according to the instructions that go with the forms provided. No fines yet have been suggested for those averse to filling in forms.
In reality the documentation is not hard to complete and Parish Councils can be of great help.
The Cadastro Predial section on the www.dgterritorio.pt website leads owners to the Loulé registration section.
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Instructions on how to mark your land: