Monchique council's €5,000 give-away for young householders

monchiquemayorThe progressive rural council in Monchique, run by mayor Rui André, wants to make available a maximum grant of €5,000 to young people living in the council area, or thinking of moving there, in order that they can repair and refurbish old houses.

This support is aimed at young people under 35, or young couples with an average age of under 35.

The snappily titled Regulation for Assigned Support of Recovery and Acquisition of Housing for Youth and Young Couples has already been proposed by Rui André and was approved on Tuesday at a meeting of the Board.

In addition to the monetary support for 'self-building, reconstruction, conservation, improvement or rehabilitation of homes' there are exemptions and even technical and design support from the council.

"This proposal follows a major strategic focus of the Municipality of Monchique to implement measures to combat depopulation and the aging population,' according to the council’s edict.

‘In all the demographic studies, including the last census, there has been a decrease in residents in Monchique in recent decades. The same studies have indicated an aging population and low birthrate, situations that have received great attention and concrete measures by the council executive.’

‘Another of the reasons which led to this decision relates to the degradation of some of the buildings in the council’s urban centres. This is an urban heritage that must be preserved and retained,' according to this solvent, well-run council.

"This approval fulfills one more promise in our electoral programme, with particular focus on young people and young couples, not only for residents but also for those who want to change their lives and move to the hills and countryside in pursuit of quality of life yet minutes away from coastal urban centres,” said Rui André.

"We could not remain indifferent. The measures that we have proposed are an example of our concern and are crucial for the socio-economic development of the municipality," said a delighted mayor.