Why are you paying your neighbour's condominium fees?

Why are you paying your neighbour's condominium fees?London based debt collection solicitors Welbeck Law LLP, has launched a specialist debt collection service for Portuguese condominium managers which traces and pursues condominium fee debtors.

This follows the success of Welbeck’s service for condominium management across Spain.

"As a consequence of changes in European legislation it is now possible for your condominium management to pursue UK based residents for unpaid fees. We are expanding the service into Portugal, it is exactly the same service that we have been providing for several years to those Spanish condominium managements which faced similar problems” explains founding partner and solicitor Jeremy Boyle.

"Now, even if the claimant is based in Portugal, we can sue the UK resident whether they are in England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland or Eire. You can run but you cannot hide!"

The Portuguese Association for Condominium Management and Administration Companies (APEGAC) commented that while it was not possible to give an exact figure, it estimates that medium and long-term condominium debts could be in excess of €200 million, much of it owed by debtors in the UK and Eire.

Welbeck Law carefully considers and advises on each debtor but once a judgment has been obtained, they can enforce it by one of several means including bankruptcy proceedings or by appointing a High Court Enforcement Officer, formerly known as a Sheriff.

Many owners complain about the time it takes their condominium management to secure a judgment in the Portuguese courts against the non-paying owner. With the Portuguese courts’ IT system in meltdown things have got worse.

"I have heard that some Portuguese courts have a very large backlog of cases and that apparently it can take over a year to obtain a judgment. In the UK, however, the procedure we use is much faster and a judgment can usually be obtained within 30 to 60 days after lodgement of the court papers."

One further frustration experienced by OUR European clients is that even when they have a judgment, they cannot enforce it because the non-paying debtor is in the UK and they do not have the debtor's UK address,” commented Boyle.

"That is not a major problem in the UK jurisdiction. Welbeck Law has invested in state-of-the-art technology to trace UK debtors by linking them to an address by any form of credit. Even a mobile phone bill or Sky contract will leave an electronic footprint. I also think it helps that we are based in London as the debtors then realise that there is nowhere left to hide."

The beauty is that you do not have to go through the slow Portuguese legal system. If the debtor is resident in the UK he or she can be pursued through the UK court system which is much faster.

"It has always struck me as being fundamentally unfair that those in a condominium who diligently pay their annual fees on time and have budgeted their money wisely have to pay a increased amount just because a UK resident is not paying their fair share," adds Boyle.

Today you can do something about these non-paying debtors: bring this article to the attention your condominium management or contact Jeremy Boyle on jb@welbecklawllp.co.uk, call us today on +44 (0) 207 467 3999, or visit www.welbecklawllp.co.uk to download an Instruction Sheet.

Welbeck Law LLP is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority.