Property rental with no booking fees and direct contact with guests

Property rental with no booking fees and direct contact with guestsLaunched on July 1st 2016 Holidirect is growing from strength to strength, now with over 130 listings in Portugal, Madeira, the Canary Islands and Florida. We offer owners and property managers the ideal affordable platform to generate and maximise their rental income.
List your property annually with Holidirect and deal direct with your holidaymakers - deposits, security deposit, final payments and all other arrangements are dealy with DIRECTLY by you, the owner/property manager. has been developed from the ground up to provide a flexible platform which can cater for all types of holiday rental properties, with the future ability to adapt and grow. We have already upgraded our infrastructure to include property pricing in either British Pounds or Euros, payment in any currency via Bank Transfer, Credit Card or Paypal, and new Property Manager price structure for those wishing to list more than 5 properties.

Want to list multiple properties?

For up to 5 listings we offer A FREE 2 year listing on a commission-only basis. When you receive a paid booking, Holidirect collects 8% commission from your booking deposit and the remainder of your payment is sent directly and securely to your account. Alternatively you can opt for an ANNUAL FEE listing - List your property for a single payment per year and PAY NO COMMISSION or fees! 
We can list your property for you, on your behalf if you prefer, the cost for this service is £10 (€12.50) per property (up to 5).

If you have 5 or more properties that you would like to list within your owner account on Holidirect we can offer special rates. If you have 20 or more properties that you would like to list within your owner account on Holidirect we can offer further reductions.

Want to list multiple properties?

If you don't have the time to input multiple property listings yourself we are happy to do it on your behalf for just £7 (€9) per property. Please contact us for more information about these rates and services.

Please visit, see regular updates on our Facebook page, and feel free to drop us a line at for more information.

T: +44 (0)208 123 5767
Twitter: holidirect_info