School Education in the USA

SCHOOL EDUCATION IN THE USAThe American education system has come a long way over the years, and with the advent of online learning, it has become easier for students to access academic resources and services. One such service is hiring an essay writer or taking a class through an online platform. While these services may seem like an easy solution for students struggling with their coursework, they come with their own set of challenges and ethical considerations. In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of hiring an essay writer or take my class for me for students in the USA.


The United States is the most educated country in the world. Statistics show that 99% of the population is made up of literate people, that is, those who can read and write. Education has been modernized, and children are actively using online services for learning, for example, to do essay formatting to optimize learning.

This is largely due to the education system in the United States, which was formed under the influence of historical, economic and social factors, so it is significantly different from how children are taught in western European countries.

The American education system consists of three levels – preschool, secondary, and higher. In this series of articles, we will focus on the average level of Education, which coincides with the period of study in schools. We will also briefly talk about other important aspects of school education in the United States – funding formats and their relationship to student achievement, assessment control, and opportunities for foreign students to study. 

Methods and programs of American schools

A striking feature of the educational process in the United States is the minimal intervention of the federal government. Local authorities and representatives of the state administration deal with issues related to school education, so teaching methods, school year boundaries, and lesson schedules in American schools can vary significantly depending on the state. But recommendations regarding manuals, textbooks and handouts are generally given by teachers of a particular institution.

The number of school hours per subject, the change of study, and the total length of the school day are the prerogative of each school. On the one hand, parents and students can choose an institution with a teaching methodology that is close to them, on the other hand, it is very difficult to find "your" school in such a variety of formats.

Secondary education in the United States for foreigners

Students from abroad can study at both public and private American schools. However, a foreigner will have to pay in any case, while the cost of studying at a municipal institution will be much more modest. But if you are aiming for admission to a US university, it may make sense to pay a tidy sum for studying in a private boarding school — from 30 thousand dollars.  per year. It is well known that here students receive in-depth and up-to-date information, so "4" for the subject in this case indicates greater success than "5" in the state school.

Evaluation system

To monitor student performance in the United States, use the letter System – A, B, C. D, E, F, with A "+" or " - " sign, where A is the highest score and F is the lowest. The GPA (grade point average) score, which is formed on the basis of grades for all subjects, is provided for admission to a higher educational institution.

Primary Education — Elementary School

Primary school education in the United States, as in most countries of the world, is mandatory. Training lasts from the 1st to the 5th grade, respectively, the age of students is from 6 to 11 years. Children come to school after attending preschool institutions, the completion of which is confirmed by a certificate, or "from home".

Like all general education institutions, primary schools can be funded by the state or supported by the parents of students. There is a separate category of parochial schools that operate at the church. Here, along with the general disciplines, much attention is paid to the religious upbringing of children.

Middle School

In secondary school, children study from the 6th to the 8th grade; these are students aged 11-13 years. Teaching is conducted by subject teachers, the main focus is on learning English, history, and natural disciplines. At the stage of secondary school education, classes are formed with an in-depth study of a particular subject, where a student with good abilities in this direction can get. In addition, students can take 2-3 additional subjects to study.

High School

A higher level means more freedom for students. The program covers 4 years of study – from Grades 9 to 12. Teenagers aged 14-18 study here: they independently choose several additional disciplines that they will study in conjunction with the basic sciences. The opportunities of higher education are maximally directed to meaningful career guidance and high-quality preparation before entering the University.