Business profile or personal profile on Instagram – which one do I have?

Business profile or personal profile on Instagram – which one do I have?So you have an Instagram account, but you’re wondering which kind of profile is yours – personal or business?!

No worries! We’ll help you figure out the differences! After all, the business profile didn’t exist on Instagram from its very beginning. This option was created in 2016 when Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook) bought Instagram.

It’s important to know what differentiates a business profile from a personal or private one and why use it in your business.

There are 3 essential tools for any business on a commercial Instagram account that are not available on a personal one. These are: the Instagram Insights, the CTA (call-to-action) buttons and the Post Promotion option.

  • With Instagram Insights you can analyse profile statistics, how many visits your profile has, and even who is your audience.
  • CTAs allow you to have specific buttons visible on your profile such as 'Call', 'Send Email', 'Directions', amongst others.
  • Post Promotion allows you to promote a certain content directly on Instagram and on the post you selected. Although it is possible to do “mixed advertising" through Facebook and also select Instagram as a one of the ads’ placement.

These tools are indispensable for any business, as it is always necessary to measure, analyse and be active in this social media that was developed only for smartphones.

After all, who doesn't have a smartphone?!

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