Some thoughts about site structure

Some thoughts about site structureMost website owners are adding more and more pages to their website in pursuit of higher rankings in Google. They believe that Google loves high-quality useful content and that’s true. So, we just need to create more pages and wait for the success to come, right? Wrong!

While focusing on having a big amount of diverse high-quality content is very important, there is one more thing that, if used correctly, can bring big benefits: the site structure. Depending on how we organise our website’s pages we can show Google which ones are the most important and add some “SEO power” to them.

Still not convinced it’s worthy of your time? Here are some reasons to look into your website’s structure today:

1. Google bots are becoming more and more intelligent, but they still can’t figure out on their own which piece of content is the most important and which isn’t. Site structure can be a “roadmap” for the Google bots on your website.
2. Users can also get lost in your numerous pages, get frustrated and leave your website. A good site structure makes a website more user-friendly.
3. As site structure shows Google which of the pages with similar topics is more important and therefore should be ranking higher, site structure can help avoid your pages to compete with each other in search.

So, where should you start? We’ve prepared 5 ideas of what to check and improve on your website:
1. Make sure your website has a clear and easy to use navigation, especially in the main menu. If your navigation is confusing for you, imagine what it’s like for Google bots.
2. Place the most important page higher in the structure. A good rule of thumb is that it should not take more than 3 clicks to get from the homepage to your important pages, especially the selling ones.
3. If your website uses categories to organise content, make sure no category is considerably larger than the others. If you see that one category grew quite gigantic, while others are rather small, divide the big category into two smaller, more focused ones.
4. Improve your internal linking – the more important the page is, the more links from other pages of your website it should have. But do not exaggerate, as every link you add to the page, reduces the value of the other links: a good balance is important.
5. Declutter old content. If you have an article or a page with outdated content, consider removing it (don’t forget to add a redirection to an existing page with similar content) or update the content for it to be relevant again.

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