How to post in more than one language on Facebook, but without all versions being visible at the same time for everyone

How to post in more than one language on Facebook, but without all versions being visible at the same time for everyoneYour target audience is Portuguese, but it’s also English. Did you use several languages in the same post, dividing them through a flag or language sign? Get yourself up to speed and learn how to post in 2 or more languages without all of them appearing simultaneously in the post for those who see it.

Create your posts in two or more different languages and Facebook will automatically show the right one to users, according to the language of who’s viewing it. This Facebook feature works based on the language we chose for our private Facebook profile. Obviously, if you change your language, you will see publications in the new chosen idiom (when the page you are viewing has publications in more than one language).

Despite being a feature that has been around for quite some time on Facebook, this remains a recurring issue.
So, let's do it:

Step 1 (and important tip!) – check in your personal profile if the option “Multilingual posts” is active. Everyone with access to the page where you want to publish in multiple languages should also activate this feature. Though it’s not "mandatory", doing this can potentially prevent or solve many problems, as we all know how "temperamental" Facebook is sometimes!
How to do it? On the computer, go to the far right of the top menu in your personal Facebook profile and click on the arrow at the end. In the now open menu, click on “Settings”, which will open a new page with several options. On the left-hand side look for “Language and region”, click and a sub-menu with “Language and region settings” will open. Here go to “Multilingual posts”, click “edit” and select “Write posts in more than one language”. Before leaving click on “Save changes” and you're done.

Step 2 – activate the “post in multiple languages” feature on your business' Facebook page. The easiest way to do this is on the computer. On the Facebook page you manage, below the blue menu bar at the top, is another white menu bar for the page. Click on "Settings" and the menu "General" will open. Look for the option “Post in multiple languages”, click on edit and select “Allow people who manage this page to write posts in multiple languages” and then “Save changes”.

Finally, to test it, go to your business' Facebook page, write a new post and it should now appear in light gray “Write post in another language”.
There, you’re ready to create and post in multiple languages! We always advise you to write your posts in the chosen languages, because if you don’t put your own text there, Facebook will automatically translate it into the selected language (which may not always be the best translation).

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