Two golden tips for optimising your Google Ads

TWO GOLDEN TIPS FOR OPTIMISING YOUR GOOGLE ADSDo you have a Google Ads account but think you spend a lot of money and get little results? Today we are going to give you two golden tips for its optimisation, which we always apply to our clients' accounts and are always mentioned in our Google Ads training.

Optimising an account can be a lot more daunting than creating a brand-new one. But don't panic, because everything can be resolved, one way or the other! There are two essential rules for optimising the performance of a Google Ads account, especially when it comes to Search campaigns:

Rule # 1 – do not appear for “things”, “stuff”; i.e. for people or search terms that are not of interest to your business.

Rule # 2 – know who the people who click on your ads are and what behaviour they have on your landing page or website.

Now, in order not to appear for some terms and people, we just have to block them. Yes, my dear, block them! (we love it!) There is an option in Search campaigns called “negative keywords”. These can be applied to campaigns and ad groups. Use and abuse them, but of course, be mindful!

And to find out who the users are and what they do on our website, it is necessary to link our Google Ads account to the Google Analytics account (which must be previously created). This way, you can see, for example, the location of the people who interact with your ads and what they do after clicking on them (and yes, it is a little bit Big Brother!).

These two golden tips seem simple and obvious (much like the “Egg of Columbus”!) but this way you will immediately eliminate what you don’t want and improve your Google Ads account, based on real and reliable information that you get from Analytics. We even bet you’ll stop thinking that “you spend a lot of money there, for very few results”!

Good optimising! And remember, if you would like to have more support to improve your Google Ads account, talk to us and we will be delighted to work with you, exactly like you need us to.

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