SEO Guide for a New Website: Best Tips to Follow

SEO GUIDE FOR A NEW WEBSITE: BEST TIPS TO FOLLOWProper search engine optimization is crucial for a new website. It will determine how quickly and effectively search engines will crawl and index your pages. Every small thing can make a difference, from special symbols in your domain name to how you name every article on the site.

Sure, new website SEO is a tricky thing since there’s a lot to analyze, choose, and utilize properly. However, everyone does that, and there’s a clear basic set of effective recommendations. You can add and adjust steps according to the tips you get from a hired specialist or as an experiment.

But the foundation is the same.

And we’re going to review it in this article. Below is a checklist of things to do SEO-wise if you’re launching a website in 2021.

Domain Name Choice Is Important, and Here’s How to Do It

The choice of the domain name is essential for the following SEO strategy for a new website. So, it’s OK to spend some time looking for ideas. Here are some guidelines that will nudge you towards the right pick:

  • Make it branded.
    If you have to choose between a one-word name or a two-word one with a special symbol (name-name. com), choose the first one. Long domains seem spammy to people, and they most often choose the domains that sound more reliable. If you want to develop a WooCommerce Store then you can also contact a professional WooCommerce developer.
  • Choose a unique spelling.
    Keep in mind that many visitors will try to find your company after hearing the name. That’s why it should be unique and not sound like the name of another famous company, for example. Put time and effort into the development of a proper domain name.
  • Consider including a keyword.
    You don’t have to include focus keywords in the domain name since Google doesn’t pay a lot of attention to it anymore, but if it’s possible to insert an industry-specific KW, go for it.

There are lots of free websites that can help you choose an original name. But if you want to be more serious about it, hire a specialist that will create a wholesome branding outline for you.

Proper Code Adjustments as a Crucial Part of SEO for New Website

SEO 2021 is not only about keywords, their placement, and backlinks. It’s also about code adjustments. Here are a few things to pay attention to:

  • URL structure - having lots of redundant tags and numbers in the link will confuse both visitors and search engines.
  • A site map - create an XML map for easy navigation. Submit it to Google Search Console.
  • Meta tags - for better website SEO, consider adding meta title, description, and keywords (optional) for key pages.

Keyword Research to Make Sure You Rank High on Google

Before planning content, research keywords it will contain. This will help you find out what the audience is interested in at the moment and catch their attention.

You’ll need keywords research again when looking for backlink anchors. shows how inbound links are connected to optimization very well. You can use Google Search or Ubersuggest to find the most suitable options. In addition, KeySearch is an alternative worth exploring, which offers similar features for keyword research.

While working on the list of phrases, ask yourself:

  • What’s the intent of the page?
  • What is it about?
  • What solutions does it offer?

The answers will give you a hint for ideas. To diversify your list, here are some guidelines on what the words and phrases should be about:

  • Your products and/or services;
  • Their prices;
  • Credentials;
  • Extra services;
  • Business location;
  • Special features.

Creating High-Quality and Diverse Content to Provide Value and Build Credibility

Your content needs to be:

  • Interesting and engaging;
  • Optimized for the focus keyword;
  • Optimized for search intent;
  • Structured;
  • Combined with media (images, video, graphs, etc.).

It should also be diverse, including:

  • Sales pages;
  • Landings;
  • Blog posts;
  • About Us and Contact Us pages;
  • Videos;
  • Promotional texts;
  • Frequently asked questions;
  • Reports, etc.

When writing, pay attention to the title. It has to be catchy but not aggressively selling. The articles have to be fresh, without cliches, and properly written. It shouldn’t be overshadowed by a thousand keywords in one paragraph. But the key phrases have to be in headings and the beginning of the text.

Consider the type of content you’ll put on the pages during the web design process to avoid issues with how users see your articles.

Have a trained copywriter create your content or write it yourself if you’re qualified. you or your specialist should be able to pitch some of it later on and know how to choose backlinks and offer those pages to other webmasters.

Building Links to Establish Authority and Speed Indexing

Get backlinks gradually from credible web sources with DA40+. There are many ways to get top-notch inbound links:

  • Create useful content with proper keywords;
  • Create infographics and other media that would be useful;
  • Choose relevant topics that may interest other sources;
  • Look for unlinked mentions of your brand or products;
  • Try to get links where your competitors get them;
  • Pay for backlinks using professional link-building services that will find the best sites for you and write guest articles;
  • Write guest posts and pitch them.


These steps will help your website get out there as soon as possible. Google’s spiders will crawl the code conveniently, seeing what keywords to rank you for and what your content is all about. Your first visitors will benefit from an ergonomic design, useful content, and ease of finding you in SERPs.

Backlinks will help you increase traffic and get more regular readers that will soon become leads. Analyze the metrics regularly to see if there are gaps you can fill later, and you’ll not only start well but remain on the top for a long time!