10 Advantages of Video Advertising

10 ADVANTAGES OF VIDEO ADVERTISINGDigital marketing has become one of the most crucial aspects of marketing for brands today. Since the pandemic struck, we have all been using our phones and laptops way more than ever before.

Brands have understood the sheer value of advertising online. However, simply advertising through images or blog posts doesn't create high conversion rates. The magic of online advertising lies in the use of videos.

Be it through Instagram Reels, Instagram Stories, or Facebook Video Ads - videos are the most successful means of advertising in 2021. Most big brands have a section of dedicated video editors who are doling out new video ads every day to gain popularity on social media. However, many small businesses have also been able to create video ads and gain more customers and clout on the internet.

While it may seem like a daunting task to create professional-looking videos, video editors like InVideo make it easy. It is free to use and does not even require a sign-up. There are multiple free templates to choose from, and it's free filters make your videos look much better.

To answer the question as to why video advertising is doing so well in 2021, listed below are ten advantages of video advertising which make it immensely lucrative:

  1. Videos are ideally suited for social media

Needless to say, Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube are the holy grail for advertisers when it comes to putting out videos and witnessing conversions. Social media platforms allow advertisers to connect directly with their potential customers. Some platforms even have beneficial features such as silent autoplay, which constantly exposes people to new ads. In this way, brands can gain views.

  1. Greater visibility

In-stream video ads provide massive exposure and visibility to brands on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and many other platforms. However, keep in mind that you have to engage viewers to watch further within the first 5 seconds to ensure they do not skip the ad. If you hook the viewer, they will be interested in learning more about the brand and the ad.

  1. Videos can be watched on multiple devices

Videos must be optimised for both laptops and mobile phones. We access the internet regularly from phones and laptops and watch videos on both devices. Especially in the age of Instagram Reels, if you create video ads that are short and interesting, many people will enjoy the content. Video ads are very popular among consumers, and the shorter the ads, the better they perform.

  1. Connected across platforms

Cross-channel video campaigns are popular among many brands, which are highly successful in gaining new customers. Users can be reached across social media platforms, websites, etc. This increase in exposure directly leads to more sales.

  1. Videos can be shared

Social media is all about sharing what you like with your friends, and therefore, videos are some of the most shared items on social media. This is how videos go viral. According to some statistics, more than 1 billion videos are being shared daily on social media platforms. In addition, videos that target specific groups perform very well because the audience can relate to the videos personally and get more invested in the brand and its products. This leads to greater conversions.

  1. Videos educate people

Some of the most popular trends of 2021 regarding video advertising include product demos, tutorials, DIYs, and how-to videos. People love watching videos that teach them something. Therefore, the aim should always be to create video ads that add value to the viewer's life. From kids to seniors, an exciting video will appeal to the target audience.

  1. Consumer psychology prefers videos

Advertisers must incorporate emotions into their videos so that customers can relate and feel connected. For example, suppose your videos can convey to the audience why your product is suitable for them or how it can make their time. In that case, they will invest time watching your videos and even buy the product if your video can deliver compelling arguments.

  1. Videos help sales professionals

Videos help sales professionals in product demos to show customers exactly what they are getting. In addition, live demos are easier to do with videos.

  1. Videos lead to conversion

If you create video ads that are short, crisp, and deliver the message with an impact, it will lead to conversions and greater sales. Sales and quality products are popular among consumers. All you must do is advertise and get the message out there.

  1. The massive benefit of SEO

Search Engine Optimisation has been a game-changer for brands on the internet, affecting videos too, not just texts and blogs. Search engines like Google push videos to the top of relevant searches. Tag your video descriptions the accurate way and watch them show up in relevant searches. Upload them on YouTube and across social media platforms for maximum exposure.

Thus, videos are the key to a successful digital marketing strategy. Some studies show that over 60 percent of marketers witnessed up to 40% increase in business after incorporating video into their advertising strategy. They are the best way for brands to utilise the innumerable opportunities provided by the internet.