How do I share a post from another user to my professional Instagram and Facebook feed?

How do I share a post from another user to my professional Instagram and Facebook feed?Let us guess, you share a post from this and that user to your company's Facebook page, but you've look everywhere and still haven't figured out how to do it on Instagram, right?

If someone tagged you on Instagram and you would like to share a post to your professional Instagram account feed, this explanation will be quite helpful.

Facebook vs. Instagram post sharing:

Since we started our ‘social media journey’ on Facebook, it's common to think that Instagram works similarly to it. However, there are some differences, namely when it comes to the ease of sharing posts on Facebook versus Instagram. So, let's have a look at how to do it in the following situations:

  • From another Facebook user's feed to our business page on this social media – when we want to share to our page a post from a customer that has, for instance, tagged our product on Facebook, we can quickly do it using the ‘share’ option, via computer or mobile device (i.e. tablet or smartphone);
  • From another Instagram user's feed to our business profile on that social media – Instagram does not have the ‘share’ functionality like Facebook and, therefore, we have to resort to external apps. There are several available and, although they all work in pretty much the same way, we recommend the ‘Repost: For Instagram’ one. It's intuitive, simple and it works (which is very important!).

How to use the ‘Repost: For Instagram’ app to share posts onto your Instagram feed:

  • You can find it on the App Store (if you have an iPhone) or on Google Play (if you have an Android smartphone);
  • After downloading the app and giving it permission to access your Instagram, it is good to go and ready to share;
  • Now simply open Instagram and copy the link of the post you want to share to your feed, and it will automatically appear added in the "Repost: For Instagram" app;
  • You can personalise this share with the location of the person who has created it, and you can also add text;
  • You can then choose to post it as a story or in the feed, the feed being the one that interests us the most, since in the stories there is always the option to share them on Instagram and Facebook;
  • Finally, you can go directly to Instagram and share this post to Facebook.

And that's it, simple and effective!

And, to wrap things up, let us give you a professional tip, just to make your shares in your social media feeds more ‘friendly’. As good practice, if there's one thing we recommend at Clarity – given that posts stay on our timeline forever, unlike stories which are only visible for 24 hours (unless they're added to highlighted stories on Instagram) – is that, as Instagram and Facebook account managers for companies and businesses, when sharing a user's post on a professional feed, you should always ask for their permission first. It's a matter of respect and of being polite, and you can easily do it via Facebook Messenger or Instagram Direct.

Happy sharing!

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