Must-Visit Sites in Decentraland

MUST-VISIT SITES IN DECENTRALANDBuildings & Locations at Decentraland You Must Visit. Virtual reality is not a new technology, but it is developing day by day, and new concepts are emerging. Virtual worlds are the most exciting of them all: these worlds that build a digital reality even have their own currency, freeing users to do whatever they want to do.

You can buy land, establish a virtual company or set up a gambling palace and offer the option of online casino play for real money. Everything you can do in the real world, you can do in virtual worlds, and some of them look really impressive. In this article, we'll take a look at some of the most stunning creations in Decentraland, one of the most popular virtual worlds.

What is Decentraland?

Decentraland is the name of a 3D virtual reality platform and consists of 90,601 parcels of land. You can buy a plot of land on this world: each plot is 16x16 meters and counts as one NFT. In other words, there is a digital certificate that shows that you are the owner of the land you bought. The currency of Decentraland is called MANA. Users can sell everything they design in this world as NFT. For example, you can sell the building you built on your land or a cosmetic item you designed. Decentraland is currently the most popular virtual world: the project is supported by companies such as Kenetic Capital, FBG Capital, CoinFund, and even attracts the attention of governments. Indeed, in November 2021, the Barbados government bought a plot of land in Decentraland and announced that it would use it as an official diplomatic embassy.

Chateau Satoshi

We mentioned above that you could open a casino in virtual worlds. Chateau Satoshi is an example of this: this building, designed by Decentral Games in 2020, operates as a casino and a nightclub. Featuring an art-deco design, this building has the floor filled with casino games, a theatre stage, and a club room. Roulette, slot machines, and Texas Holdem poker are the supported games. You can try them for free or play using MANA. You can visit the building using an avatar, walk around, and chat with other players. If you want, you can also just visit the nightclub: many events are held here almost every night. Chateau Satoshi is Decentraland's first virtual casino and the most popular for the same reason.

Boba Building

Boba Building is an old warehouse on the “rough side” of Decentraland. From the outside, it looks like an office building, and right next to it is the state prison. (Yes, there is also a prison in Decentraland.) Even if it is not very impressive at first glance, once you get inside, you’ll find plenty to do. One floor in the building is designed as an art gallery and the other as an arcade hall (you can also find some casino games here). However, it is not possible to play for real money (or MANA); everything is offered for free. The purpose of the building is to advertise the Boba Network, a crypto project, and try to persuade visitors to buy “Boba Tokens”. So, you can think of this building as the virtual world marketing department of a real-world project. Project managers are very active and regularly organize events, which are very entertaining and creative. Even if you do not intend to buy Boba Tokens, you should definitely visit the Boba Building.

Meta Zone Tower

You can think of Meta Zone as a kind of marketplace. You can design almost anything using the tools offered by this platform. For example, you can create a three-story villa or design the furniture to be put inside this villa. In any case, you can sell your creation in the Meta Zone Tower. For example, a user who buys land from Decentraland and wants to place a building on it can buy a luxury four-story apartment by paying with MANA. You can also find the items to put in this apartment in the Meta Zone Tower: everything you can imagine is on sale in the market area, from Pokemon characters to full-fledged arcade saloons. This building belongs to the Meta Zone project, which enables the creation of digital elements for almost all virtual worlds, including Decentraland. In other words, Meta Zone buys buildings in different virtual worlds, allowing its users to sell everything they create in these worlds.


If you like gacha games and collecting things like there is no tomorrow, Ethermonland is the building you need to visit. It is inspired by “Ethermon”, which is a crypto clone of Pokémon, but not the official building of this game, just a fan-made service. Basically, it is designed as a meeting point for Ethermon players: they can socialize, organize events, compare their pets, and even put them on sale. So, if you are missing an “Ethermon” in your collection, you can purchase it here using crypto tokens. Other buildings designed for pet collectors exist, but Ethermonland is the most popular one. If you are a fan of this game, you should definitely check it out.