How to edit a post published in multiple languages on Facebook – 2022

HOW TO EDIT A POST PUBLISHED IN MULTIPLE LANGUAGES ON FACEBOOK – 2022Even though editing a post is being ‘penalised’ on Facebook, sometimes it is really necessary to do it; either because there is new relevant information that we really have to add to what is written there, or because something has changed in what we had posted there, or simply because we made a mistake (and unlike Facebook we are human!).

Nothing could be easier, right? We all know where to click to do this! But what if that post was created in multiple languages? We bet you have tried it and you always end up seeing (and being able to edit) only one of them, usually the language you have in your personal profile settings (or the default one). You go round and round and only manage to edit one of the languages, the other (or others) don’t even appear, and finally you end up giving up, deleting the post and creating it again... and it seemed (and should be) so easy!

But fear not, if you don't know how to edit a post that was initially published in multiple languages, grab a pen and start taking notes!

To begin with, we need to understand which ‘place’ is the right one to edit a post that was previously published in multiple languages. Currently, there are three tools where we can create posts – the Business Manager, the Meta Business Suite and the Creator Studio.

The one we will use to edit a post that has already been published on Facebook in multiple languages is the Business Manager. Let's see how to do it:

1. Log in and access your Business Manager.

If you are redirected to the Meta Business Suite, just follow these instructions:

- Click on ‘Help’ at the bottom of the page, on the left-hand side, and then on ‘Switch to Business Manager’;

- When a pop-up window appears with the question ‘Switch back to old version?’ click on ‘Switch’ and give your feedback to be able to proceed.

 How to edit a post published in multiple languages on Facebook

2. Now on Business Manager, on the left-hand side at the top, find the ‘All Tools’ hamburger menu – it's the 3 parallel horizontal lines.

 How to edit a post published in multiple languages on Facebook

3. On that menu, find and click on the "Page Posts" option.

 How to edit a post published in multiple languages on Facebook

4. Once on the ‘Page Posts’ page it is important to confirm these two things:

- On the left-hand side menu, that the ‘Published Posts’ option is selected;

- And on the top right-hand side of the page, that you have selected the Facebook page where you want to edit the post.

 How to edit a post published in multiple languages on Facebook

5. Now, click on the post you want to edit and the post preview will open automatically.

 How to edit a post published in multiple languages on Facebook

6. On the post preview, see that, under the logo and company name, the text ‘Viewing: English" appears (note that we are using an example post that is in English, but it could be in another language). Click on the language and a menu will open where you will select ‘Write in another language’.

 How to edit a post published in multiple languages on Facebook

7. Here, make the changes you need to the text and finally click ‘Submit’.

 How to edit a post published in multiple languages on Facebook

And ta-da, your post is edited!

Ready to save time? With our step-by-step guide, which you can refer to as often as you like (bookmark it now!), you can now edit your Facebook posts, in multiple languages, without having to delete and rewrite them. And just in time for a cup of tea with some friends!

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