Easy Ways Kids Can Use Tech Innovations to Learn About the World of Chemistry

EASY WAYS KIDS CAN USE TECH INNOVATIONS TO LEARN ABOUT THE WORLD OF CHEMISTRYIt’s hard to believe how far technology has come over the past couple of decades.

It’s great how these developments can be utilised to enhance the education of children and further their understanding of certain subjects.

Chemistry is just one of those subjects and is fundamental to understanding the world and how it works.

SLIDESHOWSThe Importance of Chemistry and Tech

Chemistry makes up who we are and the world we live in, as well as also being completely out of this world, too! It’s the knowledge of substances and how they interact and is a requirement to go on to study many different careers, such as medicine. Because it is such a broad and vast subject, it can be very complex, which means it can take many years to understand even the basic concepts. Tech innovations can catalyze this process and allow chemistry to be more accessible to everyone.

Video Clips

One of the ways kids can learn about chemistry is through visual media. Videos are an effective way to engage children in learning when it is mixed in with other teaching methods. It can deepen understanding of topics, or provide the basic knowledge to work from. When learning about chemistry, children will learn about the chemical elements, which make up the foundations of the universe. These elements are arranged into what’s known as the periodic table, and there are over 100 of them. Using a periodic table of elements for kids videos can be essential in introducing the building blocks of chemistry to a child in a way that doesn’t overwhelm them. Instead, a video can contextualize information which can make it easier for an individual to understand before moving on to more complex and in-depth learning.

Video Graphics

Chemistry processes can often be invisible to humans, such as the interaction of gases or the chemical structure of a diamond. Graphics can be a great way of showing what can’t usually be seen, or breaking down processes to look more simplistic. Kids can learn from video graphics paired with an explanation to better comprehend something they can’t physically interact with.


Slideshow presentations are probably one of the most widely used tools in classrooms nowadays. They are a great way of summarising knowledge on a page, with the use of colours, photos, diagrams, and engaging transitions. Information on the screen can easily be skipped to the next slide or rewound if needed - and you never have to exit the presentation if you don’t want to. With slideshows being so instantaneous and interactive, it can accelerate kids' learning and passion for chemistry.

The Internet and Phones

VIRTUAL REALITYThe internet is arguably the biggest change and impact on our day-to-day lives and how we learn. Children can now use phones, tablets, laptops, computers, and more to consume knowledge. Information is available at our fingertips and knowledge can be built on so easily by simply searching for an answer to something we don’t understand. Creating curiosity in the minds of children can lead them to go searching for their own answers to further their knowledge of complex areas like chemistry. 

The internet really does make anything possible. There are even channels on TikTok and Youtube which teach about chemistry in a fun and comprehensible way. In fact, there are dozens of different educational apps, social media pages, and websites that can fuel kids to become curious about the world of chemistry. There are digital quizzes, educational talks, and study sessions that can all be done online - education is no longer confined to a classroom. 

Virtual Reality

Chemistry can sometimes be dangerous, such as when combining certain substances together, so the use of virtual reality can allow children to witness the amazing results of what happens when working with chemicals, without causing themselves or anyone else harm. So a lot of what wasn’t possible to see and understand as easily before can now be demonstrated through this method. Furthermore, allowing children to get more hands-on in their learning, rather than just watching and listening, can be effective in them remembering the practicalities of a process or technique. 

Overall, technology should definitely not be overlooked when it comes to children learning about chemistry. Using videos, graphics, and even virtual reality can be super beneficial and impactful on a child’s understanding, but also their curiosity and passion for it. Giving a child the resources to interactive tools and websites can allow them to further their understanding, which can be very advantageous in their education and future career.