Facebook Ads news by Clarity - Facebook is changing its advertising budgeting

Facebook is changing its advertising budgetingIf you are advertising on Facebook, these are important news for you! Facebook is changing its advertising budgeting.

On the 27th February a mandatory change is coming to Facebook Ads. The ad set budgets are going away and the only available option will be campaign-level budgets. This means that if you have an ad campaign with several ad sets, you will no longer be able to allocate the exact budget to each one of them. Instead, Facebook will decide on a real-time basis which ad set is bringing you the best results and will divide the total budget accordingly.

Google Search Console tips by Clarity

Google Search Console tips by ClarityHeads-up website owners! A new tool has arrived to Google Search Console.

If you have a website then you are probably familiar with Google Search Console, an indispensable instrument when it comes to optimising it.

Top 5 Things You Need To Do Before Starting A Business

Top 5 Things You Need To Do Before Starting A BusinessOwning a business is fast becoming a status symbol these days, but it is a serious undertaking and a huge one. You should not take a business approach without careful consideration and understanding of your personal goals. No one runs into business because of a feel-good idea, there has got to be some time of scrutiny to be sure whether it is really a worthy business idea.

Facebook Ads tips by Clarity

Facebook Ads tips by ClarityHave you ever been in that situation when you need to set up an advertising campaign on Facebook, but you are not sure what will work best for your business? It looks like there’s no end to all the questions you need to answer before actually getting somewhere – which platforms to advertise on, how to create the best audience, which visuals to use, what to say…

How much content is enough content – websites

How much content is enough content – websitesIf you have a business and want it to grow, you know by now that you need to have an online strategy to help you do it. And, of course, you also know that a proper digital marketing strategy must have its fair share of SEO.

Would it surprise you if we told you that content is the foundation of any good SEO strategy? Well, it’s true. And don’t take our word for it! Just test it and search “SEO strategy for 2020”, or something along these lines, and you’ll see that virtually in all the results you get content is the basis where everything else stands on.

Google Ads news by Clarity – the end of message extensions

Google Ads news by Clarity – the end of message extensionsGoogle Ads News! Google is killing message extensions, but there is a perfect alternative already available.
Starting from this month (January 2020), Google is disabling one of Google Ads’ features – message extensions.

Eye On The Horizon: A Look At The Future Of The Air Cargo Industry

Eye On The Horizon: A Look At The Future Of The Air Cargo IndustryThere have been many changes in recent years within the air freight and cargo industry but with demand in the future set to rise even higher, there are huge expectations for companies to be able to continue to compete. It’s certainly good news for the air cargo industry that more countries than ever before are ramping up their needs, and it offers glorious opportunities for increased profits and business expansion.

Leading Luxury Hotel VILA VITA Parc Strengthens Its Wellness Credentials With New Concept ‘VITAL Wellness’

‘VITAL Wellness’The prestigious clifftop resort, VILA VITA Parc – located in the charming town of Porches in Portugal’s beautiful Algarve – is enhancing its credentials for being Portugal’s go-to destination for wellness-seekers, with the exciting launch of its new concept, ‘VITAL Wellness’ and its recognition in Condé Nast Traveller’s 2019 Readers’ Choice Award as #3 in the ‘Top 30 Destination Spa Resorts Around The World’.