St.Patrick's Society AGM 2019

The committee for 2019/2020 Neil Rodgers, Teresa Ferreira, Damien Clarke & Mary VaughanThe St. Patrick's Society of the Algarve held its AGM in the Barca Velha restaurant in Lagoa on the 17th May.
The chairman Damien Clarke reported on the Society's various activities for the past year and was delighted to inform the members that all the events were very well supported.

The committee for 2019/2020 Neil Rodgers, Teresa Ferreira, Damien Clarke & Mary VaughanHe also noted that there had been a marked increase in membership during the year, which augured well for the continued success of the Society.

Last year's committee consisting of Neil Rodgers, Treasurer, Teresa Ferreira, Membership Secretary,Mary Vaughan, Secretary, and Damien Clarke, Chairman were all re-elected.
John O' Neill will also continue as Co-Ordinator of the Society's popular monthly walks which, after the next walk on 25th May, will resume on the last Saturday of September.

For information about any aspect of the Society's activities, please email the secretary at