Algarve Senior Bikers in the Monchique hills

ASBAfter meeting in Silves the two groups of ASB motorcycle riders headed for the quiet roads around the Monchique hills. Taking a challenging route which gave the riders plenty to think about on the way, the lunch venue at restaurant Sol e Serrra in Marmelete.
On the bright clear day the views towards the coast were spectacular.

After a brief stop near the Odelouca dam the riders tackled some difficult roads, with steep hills both up and down with many tight turns on the way to a coffee break in Monchique.
Then it was on down the curves of the valley to Foz de Farelo and across to Marmelete to finish a very enjoyable day.

The planning and leading riders on this occasion were Alfred Koolen and David Shirley, assisted by Dave Everest and John Heffernen.

Next Event

Monday 10th June - to celebrate the 9th Anniversary of ASB we will have lunch at the Gaivota Childrens Home in Albufeira, with a chance to meet the kids we support via the senior bikers club.

David Shirley - Organiser

Photo by David Shirley
