A Damp Start For The ASB September Ride

Organisers Philippe and Eric at the viewpoint by David Shirley. Some riders had a slightly damp ride on the way to the meeting point for the Algarve Senior Bikers September ride, due to the early rain showers. The Meeting point was in São Marcos de Serra. The day was organised by Philippe Payen, with the assistance of Eric Desurvire and David Shirley.

After a few kilometres of the ride the clouds started to clear and there was bright sunshine for the rest of the day. Travelling from São Marcos the group went north, up the IC1 before turning towards Sao Barnabé and the hills, climbing north before turning East again and visiting a viewpoint just shortly before arriving for a coffee break at Malhão.

After coffee the group continued on the route down via Benafim and Parragil to Olhos de Agua, where lunch was at Restaurant A Lagosteira.

Having enjoyed a very nice leisurely lunch and chat, riders then dispersed to return home to various parts of the Algarve. A very enjoyable day out, with splendid views on the way in the hills north of Salir.

Photo of the group by Michael Jensen

The ASB group

W: https://algarveseniorbikers.com/