Espiche Golf Summer Soiree

Espiche Golf Summer SoireeEspiche Golf celebrated its third anniversary on July 9th with a party for more than 220 guests and colleagues.

It was an occasion for Espiche to show its appreciation to its partners in the tourism business, its clients, club members, service providers and supplier for the ccontinuous support it has received since the early days.

Some of those that attended included Dora Coelho, Managing Director at ATA (the Algarve Tourism Association), Philip Pope, General Manager at Boavista Golf Resort, Sofia Ribeiro - General Manager at Hotel Vila Galé Lagos and Alexandra Almeida from the Portuguese Golf Federation.

Espiche 1st Summer Soiree Party

L > R Top: Paul Langley, Peter Thornton (owners) and Luis Rocha (general manager) - The view from the lounges - The patio at night
L > R Bottom: The patio area - The band 'The Mashups' playing live music

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