Christmas Shoeboxes Once Again Bring Joy To The Elderly

CHRISTMAS SHOEBOXES ONCE AGAIN BRING JOY TO THE ELDERLYThe '16th annual Christmas Shoebox Campaign for the Elderly' this year has once again been a tremendous success.  Over 250 boxes were collected and delivered.

The Silves based Castelo de Sonhos (CdeS) charity were able to reach many more elderly folk this year. Castelo de Sonhos would like send a big THANK YOU to everyone who contributed, in particular the charity would like to give special thanks to:

- Nada Louw & the Moonlighters

- International Group

- Members of Silves Rotary Club

- Shelley Foley

- Kathleen Kuys & friends

- The Algarveans Theatre Group

- Donna McFadden & friends in Guia

- The volunteers at the CdeS charity shop 

-  the "Ladies who knit"

-  special thanks go to Sheena Rawcliffe for knitting warm blankets, hats & scarves 

To everyone who donated shoeboxes and to all our supporters we wish you a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
