Smart, independent and playful - meet Marmelito!

SMART, INDEPENDENT AND PLAYFUL - MEET MARMELITO!Great news - thanks to ADN support one of the cats we showcased earlier this month, Mimi, has been adopted! Best wishes for Mimi and her new family. But there is no shortage of other beautiful cats available for adoption at ADAPO. Marmelito is just one gorgeous body hoping to be chosen....

SMART, INDEPENDENT AND PLAYFUL - MEET MARMELITO!Hi, I´m Marmelito, another exceptional specimen of ginger cats! Well, they call us orange cats here in Portugal. Orange or ginger? You decide.
I was rescued as a kitten from the engine of a car, near to Av Dr. Bernardino da Silva in Olhão. We street cats often try to find a space in a warm car engine in cold weather. That´s why it´s a good idea to check your car before driving off in the mornings!
Well, at first, I didn´t have much faith in people. Now, I´m growing up here in the ADAPO* cat shelter. I´m nearly a year old and I´m learning that nobody wants to do me any harm and I quite like to be petted.
If I had an owner just for me, I could show them all the qualities of ginger cats: how smart we are, independent, playful, and the ability to enrich your life.
I´m a neutered male, chipped and have an anti-rabies vaccine.
If you´d like to know more, you can email: or see more of me on our Facebook site and leave a message there.

If you´d like to know more about Marmelito or other cats, you can email, or visit our Facebook page to leave a message.

See more info on ADAPO and the cats available for adoption on the ADAPO Facebook page. 

*ADAPO, or Associação pela Defesa dos Animais e Plantas de Olhão, is a local non-profit group established in 2004 by Célia Caravela.