The wonderful thing about Tiggers, is Tiggers are wonderful things!

THE WONDERFUL THING ABOUT TIGGERS, IS TIGGERS ARE WONDERFUL THINGS!More good news: ´Tareco´, a cat recently featured here on ADN, has now been adopted! Best wishes to Tareco and his new family, who adore him! Our Cat-of-the-week this week is ´Tikru´or ´Tigger´.

THE WONDERFUL THING ABOUT TIGGERS, IS TIGGERS ARE WONDERFUL THINGS!"Hello! Once upon a time I had a home and my owner called me ´Tikru´ (Tigger). Sadly, she had to leave me and go far away. She tried to find a new home for me, without success. She didn't want to just dump me in the street; desperate, she thought it would be kinder to have me put to sleep. The vet, of course, refused. They don't put down healthy animals in Portugal.

That's how I came to be at the ADAPO* cat shelter. I had never seen so many cats! In fact, I spent the first three days in a tree. The volunteers had to coax me down with food.

Well, with time, and loving care, I became resigned to it. All the same, I like to sit ever nearer the gate of the shelter. Waiting...
And if my owner ever came back, I would purr in her arms and I would forgive her. Of course I would!

In the meantime, I'm looking for a new position as a house cat. I'd prefer to be the only cat, and I never want to be abandoned again. I'm about four years old and neutered.

How about you? would you like a sweet-natured and calm girl, with amber eyes, like me?"

If you´d like to know more about Marmelito or other cats, you can email, or visit our Facebook page to leave a message.

See more info on ADAPO and the cats available for adoption on the ADAPO Facebook page. 

*ADAPO, or Associação pela Defesa dos Animais e Plantas de Olhão, is a local non-profit group established in 2004 by Célia Caravela.